National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)

National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)

The National Junior Honor Society is a student organization that creates enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulates a desire to render service, promotes leadership, develops character, and encourages good citizenship in the students of secondary schools. Judy Geison is the sponsor of Sts. Peter and Paul’s Catholic  School ‘s NJHS chapter with Karen Arnold, Dean of Students, overseeing the organization. 

NJHS applications are open to 7th grade students and 8th grade students. To qualify for an invitation to become a member of NJHS:

  • Must maintain a cumulative, overall middle school average of 90.0% in ALL courses with numerical grades and have no failing final grades in any courses. 
  • Must have been enrolled at the school for at least one full semester.
  • Must abide by the Sts. Peter and Paul NJHS Chapter By-Laws.
  • Members from 7th and 8th represent students who exemplify the five core values of NJHS: Service, Character, Citizenship, Leadership, and Scholarship. 
  • Must participate in and have transportation to any NJHS Chapter community service projects.
  • Students will be invited to apply to NJHS during the months of March or April if they meet the qualifications.

Students stay in good standing for membership by maintaining a 90 average in all subjects and no discipline referrals at the end of each nine weeks. Those who do not stay in good standing will receive probation for one nine weeks to improve. During probation, members may not participate in NJHS group activities or hold official positions.


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