Minimum Age Requirements
These minimum requirements are as follows:
An exception may be made by the principal if the child has been enrolled in an accredited school in another state prior to transferring to a school in Texas or has attended a full term in a kindergarten program in another state that admits children who are under five years of age into the kindergarten program.
Records Required
For a child to be considered for acceptance into Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic School, the following records must be submitted:
Enrollment is NOT complete until all required documents are received, reviewed, and found in order by the school.
*** Immunizations ***
Immunization Policy
Every student enrolled in a Catholic school in the state of Texas shall be immunized against vaccine preventable diseases caused by infectious agents in accordance with the immunization schedule adopted by the Texas Department of State Health Services. A student who fails to present the required evidence shall not be accepted for enrollment.
Conscientious Objections
Catholic schools do not accept students who have received a parental choice or religious exemption from the immunizations required by Texas state law. Conscientious objections or waivers, which may be permissible for attendance in public schools, do not qualify as an exemption in Catholic Schools in Texas. (Atty. Gen. Op.GA-0420) See Appendix D in the TCCB ED Guide to Quality and Effectiveness.
The only exemption to the foregoing requirement is a medical exemption signed by a licensed physician (M.D. or D.O.) authorized to practice in the state of Texas.
Provisional Enrollment
All immunizations should be completed by the first date of attendance. The law requires that students be fully vaccinated against the specified diseases. A student may be enrolled provisionally if the student has an immunization record that indicates the student has received at least one dose of each specified age-appropriate vaccine required by this rule. To remain enrolled, the student must complete the required subsequent doses in each vaccine series on schedule and as rapidly as is medically feasible and provide acceptable evidence of vaccination to the school.
A school nurse or school aministrator shall review the immunization status of a provisionally enrolled student every 30 days to ensure continued compliance in completing the required doses of vaccination. If at the end of the 30-day period, a student has not received a subsequent dose of vaccine, the student is not in compliance and the school shall exclude the student from school attendance until the required dose is administered.
Admission of Students from Schools within the Archdiocese
The transfer of a student from one Catholic school to another within the Archdiocese can occur only after consultation between the Principals of the two schools involved.
Admission of Students from Public and Other Non-Public State Approved Schools
The determination whether or not to admit a student transferring to Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School from public and other state approved non-public schools is made by the principal and based on testing, observation, records from the previous school, and other assessments. The decision to admit a student is made if it is deemed in the best interest of both Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School and the student. Once a student is admitted, the placement of that student is determined by the principal, in consultation with the student's parents.
Admission of Students from Home Schooling and Non-Accredited Schools
The determination whether or not to admit a student to Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School from a home school or non-accredited school is made by the Principal. The Principal shall consider any academic records that can be presented by the parent or the previous school to assist in determining the student’s mastery of the Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School curriculum. The decision to admit a student is made if it is deemed in the best interest of both Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School and the student. Once a student is admitted, the placement of that student is determined by the Principal, in consultation with the student’s parents.
Admission of Students from Foreign Schools
Admission of students transferring from foreign schools to Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School must be determined by the Principal. The Principal shall make the determination whether or not to admit a student from a foreign school based on testing, observation, assessments, and records from the student’s previous school. The decision to admit a student from a foreign school is made if it is deemed to be in the best interest of both Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School and the student. Once a student is admitted, the placement of that student is determined by the Principal, in consultation with the student’s parents.
All government required documents must be completed by the school and parent/guardian; copies must be kept on file at the school and Department of Catholic Schools.
Admission of Students with Special Needs
Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School affirms the dignity of all persons and recognizes the diversity of talents that exist in our world. Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School seeks to make Catholic education available to as many students as it can, including those with learning differences or special needs. The determination whether or not to admit a student with learning differences or special needs to Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School is made by the Principal. The Principal shall consider the academic records from the student’s previous schools, medical records, observation, and other assessments when reaching a decision regarding admission.
In the case of a student with special needs, the primary consideration will be whether or not Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School is capable of meeting the student’s needs within its current configuration and constraints of its educational program. The decision to admit a student with special needs is made if it is deemed in the best interest of both Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School and the student.
Once a student is admitted the placement of that student is determined by the Principal, in consultation with the student's parents.
Dual Enrollment
Sts. Peter and Paul School will not enter into a dual enrollment arrangement.
Placement Tests
Any student applying for acceptance in grades 1-8 may be required to take a placement test prior to acceptance at Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic School.
Registration for the upcoming school year begins in March for new families. The application link will open on the school website at 9:00am March 1st. Registration is based on a first come, first served basis with priority being given in the order of: current students, siblings of current students and new families. The application fee and registration fees are non-refundable. The failure of a parent or guardian to submit the required forms or fees by the deadline established by the school’s administration could result in a student’s place being forfeited for the coming school year.
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