Its primary purposes are:
Students with 504 plans, Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), or officially diagnosed learning disabilities are provided testing accommodations such as small group testing and oral test administration. AARC staff members are certified teachers who provide guided reading and math interventions for students who demonstrate the need in these critical content areas.
Speech-language therapy and dyslexia interventions are also offered to students with official diagnoses. Sts. Peter and Paul does not offer full special education services such as full in-house evaluations, IEPs, modified curriculum, or one-on-one aide services at this time. Referrals will be made for these services should a student show evidence of need.
Any student whose parents or teachers feels would benefit from testing accommodations or content mastery assistance may be referred for AARC services. While working with the student, AARC staff will determine if there may be an ongoing need for supports or symptoms of an underlying learning disability or difference. Observations made during this AARC referral process and options for support will be shared with the student’s parents and teachers during consultations and conferences. Students who are formally identified will be given priority assistance when time and resources are limited.
AARC is also a resource for parents at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School. AARC staff may act as consultants for parents with questions regarding availability of on-campus supports for their children as well as community resources available for their specific concerns.
Please reach out to the Academic Assistance Coordinator, Kimberly Schlageter at if you feel your child may benefit from AARC services or you have any questions regarding the programs offered at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School.
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